./cmake-eclipse-linux-profile.sh 3. Compile RBDoom3BFG targets with >cd./build >make ___________________________________________________ 7) GETTING THE GAMEDATA, RUNNING THE GAME __________________________________________ To play the game, you need the game data from a legal copy of the game, which unfortunately requires Steam for Windows - Steam for Linux or OSX won't do, because (at least currently) the Doom3 BFG game is only installable on Steam for Windows.
Even the DVD version of Doom3 BFG only contains encrytped data that is decoded by Steam on install. Fortunately, you can run Steam in Wine to install Doom3 BFG and afterwards copy the game data somewhere else to use it with native executables. Winetricks ( ) makes installing Windows Steam on Linux really easy. Install Doom3 BFG in Steam (Windows version), make sure it's getting updated/patched. Create your own doom3bfg directory, e.g. /path/to/Doom3BFG/ 3.