I encountered this problem today and eventually I realize it was the comment on the line before the mysql dll's that was causing the problem. This is what you should have in php.ini by default for PHP 5.5.16:;extension=php_exif.dll Must be after mbstring as it depends on it;extension=php_mysql.dll;extension=php_mysqli.dll Besides removing the semi-colons, you also need to delete the line of comment that came after php_exif.dll. This leaves you with extension=php_exif.dll extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll This solves the problem in my case.

Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing

The file as downloaded from does include php_mysql.dll. It's in the 'ext' subdirectory. You'll need to rename php.ini-recommended to php. Hp Rgs Desktop Trial Edition. ini. Then, edit php.ini and make sure that extension_dir is pointing to the correct directory, i.e. The one containing php_mysql.dll, e.g.

Archpr 2.20 Serial. My prerequisites says I am missing the MySQLi extension for PHP. I went into the php.ini and removed the comment in front of 'extension=php_mysql.dll' and 'extension=php_mysqli.dll' After restarting IIS it still says its missing.

Also, search for the line;extension=php_mysql.dll and uncomment it to enable the extension. Hp 1600 Psc Driver there. Lastly, the file libmysql.dll should be available to the Windows system PATH.

The easiest way to accomplish that is. Remember to restart Apache after making changes to php.ini. Hope this helps! MySQL is no longer enabled by default, so the php_mysql.dll DLL must be enabled inside of php.ini. Also, PHP needs access to the MySQL client library. Mercedes Sprinter Body Builder Manual here.

A file named libmysql.dll is included in the Windows PHP distribution and in order for PHP to talk to MySQL this file needs to be available to the Windows systems PATH. See the FAQ titled 'How do I add my PHP directory to the PATH on Windows' for information on how to do this. Although copying libmysql.dll to the Windows system directory also works (because the system directory is by default in the system's PATH), it's not recommended.