Compare 2 strings and display difference (php or javascript). Up creating a wrapper library to help with the 'presentation work' needed to use diff_match_patch. Hp Data Protector Express Keygenguru. It's been a long time since I did any work with Diff Match Patch because it has been rock solid in my implementation, but I don't remember the paragraph symbols being an issue. What have you tried? – Hemlock Dec 15 '12 at 17:47.

Comparing must work on-the-fly, so this must be done via javascript or with php (will make javascript ajax request). Epson Lx 350 Driver Windows Server 2008 there. What I need is probably advanced difference showing, so it will be probably best if there is any kind of good supported library.

This picture shows exactly what I need >Added #1: I found this (example ) which is ok, but doesn't support multiline? And it changes the whole word when only one character is different. Added #2: I tested php script ( ) but it has flaws. Added #3: I found what i was looking for ( ).

Diff Match Patch Php